IP reputation

With CloudFilt, you can check the reputation of an IP. If it is bad, our SaaS solution will automatically block it.

Check IP Reputation & Block IP Reputation with CloudFilt

CloudFilt uses a combination of methods to detect IP addresses with a bad reputation, including:

Traffic analysis

CloudFilt analyzes traffic originating from an IP address for signs of malicious activity. These signs may include:
⋅ A high volume of traffic originating from an IP address.
⋅ Abnormal HTTP requests, such as requests for non-existing files or requests for files with malicious extensions.
⋅ Abnormal TCP connections, such as connections to non-standard ports or connections that last longer than normal.
For example, CloudFilt may detect an IP address with a bad reputation if that IP address is sending a high volume of HTTP requests for non-existing files. This activity could be indicative of a denial of service (DDoS) attack.
Stop IP with bad ip reputation for Free

Comparison with blacklists

CloudFilt has a blacklist of IP addresses that have been associated with malicious activity. If an IP address is on this blacklist, CloudFilt will block traffic from that IP address.

The use of artificial intelligence

CloudFilt uses artificial intelligence to identify patterns of behavior that are associated with malicious activity. These patterns can be difficult for humans to identify, but they can be easily identified by machine learning algorithms.
For example, CloudFilt can detect an IP address with a bad reputation if that IP address behaves in an unusual way. This activity could be indicative of an attack in progress.

Examples of using CloudFilt to block bad reputation IPs

⋅ A company that sells products online finds that most fraud comes from China. The company uses Cloudfilt to block traffic from China. This helps reduce the risk of fraud on the company website.
⋅ A business running an e-commerce website uses Cloudfilt to block IPs known to be used to launch DDoS attacks against e-commerce websites. This helps protect the website from downtime and financial loss.
⋅ A government agency uses Cloudfilt to block IP addresses known to be used to distribute child pornography.

Why block IPs with a bad reputation?

Blocking IPs with a bad reputation is an important security measure that can help protect your website or network from attacks.
IP addresses with a bad reputation are IP addresses that have been associated with malicious activity, such as denial of service (DDoS) attacks, SQL injection attacks, or malware downloads.

How do you detect that an IP has a bad reputation?

IP addresses with a bad reputation are detected by IP filtering services. These services collect data about Internet traffic and use this data to identify IP addresses that are associated with malicious activity.
The data collected by these services may include information such as:
⋅ The IP address.
⋅ The country or region of origin of the IP address.
⋅ The type of traffic coming from the IP address.
⋅ Malicious traffic data, such as attack types and attack victims.

What are the benefits of blocking IPs with a bad reputation?

Blocking IPs with a bad reputation can provide the following benefits:

Reduced risk of attacks

Reducing the risk of cyberattacks is one of the most important benefits of blocking IP addresses with bad reputations.
Indeed, attackers often use IP addresses with a bad reputation to launch their attacks.
By blocking these IP addresses, you can prevent attackers from targeting your website or network.
For example, a business that sells products online may be the victim of a denial of service (DDoS) attack. In a DDoS attack, an attacker sends a massive amount of traffic to a company's web server, which can make it inaccessible to legitimate users. If the company blocks IP addresses with a bad reputation, it can reduce the risk of falling victim to a DDoS attack.

Performance improvement

Blocking IP addresses with bad reputations can also help improve the performance of your website or network by reducing the amount of malicious traffic that reaches your system.
Malicious traffic can consume valuable resources, such as bandwidth and CPU. By blocking malicious traffic, you can free up these resources for legitimate traffic.
For example, a website that hosts videos may fall victim to a malware download attack. In a malware download attack, an attacker attempts to infect website visitors with malware. If the website blocks IP addresses with a bad reputation, it can reduce the risk of falling victim to a malware download attack.

Cost reduction

Finally, blocking IP addresses with poor reputations can help reduce the costs associated with attacks.
Attacks can result in lost revenue, reputational damage, and repair costs. By blocking IP addresses with poor reputations, you can help prevent these attacks and reduce associated costs.
Let’s take the example of the DDoS attack again. A business that experiences a denial of service (DDoS) attack may lose sales if its customers cannot access its website. By blocking IP addresses with a bad reputation, the company can reduce the risk of falling victim to a DDoS attack and thus reduce revenue losses.

What are the disadvantages of blocking IPs with a bad reputation?

Blocking IP addresses with bad reputations is an important security measure that can help protect your website or network from attacks.
However, this measure also has some disadvantages that are important to understand before implementing it.

Block legitimate users

One of the main disadvantages of blocking IP addresses with bad reputations is that it can result in legitimate users being blocked. This happens when lists of IP addresses with a bad reputation contain IP addresses that are used by legitimate users as well as attackers.
There are several ways to reduce the risk of blocking legitimate users. One solution is to use an IP filtering service that offers the ability to configure exception lists.
Using CloudFilt software, you can allow IP addresses to use your website or web app even though they have a poor reputation.

Do not block all attacks

Another disadvantage of blocking IP addresses with a bad reputation is that it will not block all attacks. Attackers can use techniques to hide their IP address, which will prevent them from being blocked by IP filtering services.
There are several techniques that attackers can use to hide their IP address. One technique is to use a virtual private network (VPN).
Another technique for hiding an IP address is to use a proxy. A proxy is a server that acts as an intermediary between a user and the Internet.
In both cases mentioned above, the CloudFilt solution helps block attackers using VPNs and Proxy addresses.

How to block IPs with a bad reputation?

There are several ways to block IPs with a bad reputation, the main ones being:

Block IPs with a bad reputation manually

You can block IPs with a bad reputation manually. This can be done by changing your firewall rules or configuring your web server to refuse traffic from these addresses.
This method can be complicated depending on the size of the site and the number of IP addresses trafficking on it.

Use a firewall

Most modern firewalls offer the ability to block traffic from specific IP addresses. You can use this feature to block IPs with bad reputations.
Be careful though, it is possible for IP addresses to pass through the firewall.

Use an IP filtering service

IP filtering services provide lists of IP addresses with bad reputations that you can use to block traffic from those addresses.
These services are usually the ideal and most effective solution for blocking IPs with a bad reputation.
CloudFilt SaaS software allows you to automatically block IP addresses with a bad reputation.

Stop IP Bad reputation for Free

We stop only bad and malicious Bots

You will have a more global view of your visitors and their behavior. Indeed CloudFilt is the only solution to analyze the front and the back end at the same time.

Bot traffic
Web Scraping
Tor traffic
Spam Submissions
Proxy traffic
Fake Account Creation
IP reputation
Account Takeover
IP Risk Score
Web Fraud
Carding Fraud
Business logic
Inventory Hoarding
Marketing Fraud
Denial of service (DDoS)
Protection from automated threats
Blocking by country and continent(GDPR)

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*No credit card required
CloudFilt analyzes the whole behavior of the hacker/bot on the website, application & API from back and front end.